In partnership with United Way PEI and funded by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program, Hospice PEI is launching a new action plan in response to Covid-19 for our most vulnerable population – senior citizens isolated from their communities by the pandemic.
No Islander Alone is for senior citizens and will see Hospice PEI’s specially trained volunteers providing wellness checks and support by phone to seniors across Prince Edward Island. Hospice PEI’s volunteers will also aid in identifying and the navigation of any additional supports required.
We know that during this pandemic, the senior population is of greatest impact in regard their health and social wellness. No Islander Alone will ensure that no senior citizen residing on Prince Edward Island will go through these unprecedented times ALONE.
How to Participate:
If you are a PEI senior citizen or know of someone who is,
and would benefit from the No Islander Alone program, please call us at 1-844-954-7433 and you (or the individual) will be enrolled and placed on our call list.
If you are an organization that works with isolated and
vulnerable seniors regularly, please contact us at 1-844-954-7433 to
support us in connecting to those within your network.
Once a participant is on the list, they will receive a call
from one of Hospice PEI’s caring and compassionate volunteers. Your assigned volunteer will continue to
check in and connect with you on a regular weekly basis.