UWPEI Funding Process

When it comes to making decisions for our community, United Way of PEI understands how important it is for the community to be part of the process. That’s why, with each funding process, we recruit volunteers to help assess the applications and make recommendations for funding based on specific criteria. These volunteers are part of what we call our Community Investment Committee, which is comprised of members of our volunteer board of directors as well as local community members.

“I loved being a part of the community funding process - I get a chance to hear and learn from all the proposed projects, and after when I watch the news or read the newspaper, I get to see all these wonderful projects in action. Being a part of the process helps me to connect with all these organizations and better understand the needs we have in our community.  It makes me humble and proud to be a small part of the amazing work that I see happening all over PEI!” – Julie, CI Committee Member/UWPEI Board Member

Committee volunteers are recruited carefully, so there is a mix of skills and experience at the table; and not just experience of being on a funding panel – some of the volunteers have lived experience with United Way of PEI’s key focus areas of poverty, social inclusion, mental health, and supporting children and youth. The diversity in the funding panel members helps reflect the diversity in our community, ensuring that marginalized voices are part of the process.

“Recommending which projects receive funding, and at what level, is very challenging. The committee members’ remarkably diverse perspectives create a fascinating prism through which to examine service projects for PEI.” – Bob, CI Committee Member

When it comes to applying for funding, any registered charity on PEI serving Island residents can apply, as long as their program meets our outlined eligibility requirements and is in line with our focus areas and priority populations.

The process begins with a call for Letters of Intent, which are submitted and reviewed by each member of our Community Investment Committee individually. The committee then meets and discusses which should go forward to the formal application phase of the process. Charities who are selected are notified and asked to complete the full application. 

After the applications are submitted, committee members review and rank each proposal using consistent criteria. The Community Investment Committee then meets to discuss each application as a group - asking questions, reading annual reports and financial statements, and making recommendations on which applicants should move on to the interview phase of the process. 

"The best part of working with this very capable committee was learning first hand how many passionate true leaders there are and the great work that is being done in our communities to address the diverse needs of Islanders." - Sharon, CI Committee Chair/UWPEI Board Member

During the interview phase, the Chair of the CI Committee and United Way of PEI staff meet with members of all organizations (board and staff) to ask and clarify specific questions/concerns of the Committee, to ask questions regarding governance, and to identify additional supports needed outside of funding where the United Way could play a role. This group then reports back to the CI Committee on the additional information learned through the interviews. 

Lastly, with all information thoroughly reviewed and discussed, the CI Committee makes final recommendations for funding, which are then reviewed and approved by United Way of PEI’s Board of Directors.

“As a new member of the Committee, I appreciated the opportunity to work with such a diverse group of individuals who all brought unique insights and perspectives to the table. I feel fortunate to have been able to gain insight into some of the many projects taking place in our community thanks to funding from the United Way. I am grateful to be a part of this amazing organization and am proud of all that it does for our community.” -  Sydney, CI Committee Member/UWPEI Board Member 

We are excited to announce that final decisions on United Way of PEI’s 2022-24 multi-year funding have been approved by our Board of Directors, with programming beginning in April 2022! You can learn about each program by visiting our Funded Partners page.

An AMAZING $59,028 donated by 29 restaurants to support Island Food Security! The United Way of PEI is so very grateful! Thank you to participating restaurants and the people supporting them!

Behind every changed life is someone like you who made it happen.
All donations to the United Way of PEI stay on PEI to help Islanders.


Charitable Registration No.
BN119278356 RR 0001

For all general inquiries, please contact:
United Way of Prince Edward Island

Mailing Address:
PO Box 247, Stn Central
Charlottetown PE  C1A 7K4

Physical Address:
119 Queen Street, Suite 106
Charlottetown, PE  C1A 4B3

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Toll Free: 1-877-902-4438
Phone: 902-894-8202

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