Funding Opportunities

United Way of PEI Fund: 2024-2026


Click here to access the Community Grant Application Portal and start your funding application. Applicants must enter the access code UWPEI in order to access and complete an application for the available funding streams. *** Important: Please read the information below and our FAQ before starting your application.***  

About the Fund

The United Way of PEI Fund invests in the most pressing and complex human and social needs facing our community today. We take applications for the United Way of PEI Fund every second year and charities receive funding for two years. Organizations who apply must be from the social sector and be addressing one or more of our community priorities: 

  • From Poverty to Possibility
  • All That Kids Can Be
  • Healthy People, Strong Communities. 
The United Way of PEI has several priority populations that we focus on.  These are some of the most marginalized and vulnerable in our communities. Our priority populations include the following:

  • Indigenous Communities
  • Children and Youth
  • Women
  • 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities
  • People with Disabilities
  • New Canadians
  • Racialized Groups

Applications are evaluated by a panel of dedicated volunteers to ensure that our donors’ contributions are invested where they can create the greatest impact.

General Eligibility Requirements:

Thank you for considering applying for the United Way of PEI Fund.  The charitable organization sponsoring, or leading, the project must meet all of the following criteria:

  • The applicant must be a registered charity (with its own CRA number), one of the CRA-approved donees, or have a registered charity as its sponsor.
  • Organizations must provide programs and services on PEI.  
  • Organizations must be addressing one or more of our community priorities (From Poverty to Possibility; All that Kids Can Be; Healthy People, Strong Communities)
  • The applicant must maintain a volunteer board that meets regularly
  • The applicant must have an Annual General Meeting
  • The applicant must provide financial statements (e.g. audit or review engagement) that meet the requirements of the Canada Revenue Agency (

The charitable organization leading/sponsoring the project, AND the applicant community/resident group (if different from the sponsoring/leading charitable organization), must meet all of the following criteria:

  • The activities proposed by the applicant must benefit residents of PEI
  • The applicant’s primary focus and mandate must be within the social services sector
  • The applicant (or partner sponsor organization) must be financially stable
  • The applicant must carry sufficient liability insurance to cover the proposed program/project


We do not provide funding for the following: 

  • Arts, culture, heritage, environment, sports, recreation or animal programs that do not demonstrate clear alignment with our social mandate.
  • Special events or conferences
  • Activities that are considered core government services
  • Political parties
  • Religious Activities
  • Deficit funding
  • Fundraising Initiatives
  • Medical or scientific research
  • Capital projects, in most cases
  • Service duplication, in most cases
Additional Information

This is a two-year funding process and with this funding, you will become one of the United Way of PEI’s funded partners for two years. This year we are offering two streams of funding, one application is for project funding, and we are piloting an application for operational funding at an organizational level. To apply for the operational funding stream, the organization must have been a funded partner of the United Way of PEI during the last 5 years. These agencies include:

  • Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq Wellness Centre 
  • BGC Charlottetown
  • BGC Summerside
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters
  • Black Cultural Society
  • Blooming House
  • CNIB
  • Council People with Disabilities
  • Family Service
  • Family Violence Prevention Services
  • Municipality of St. Peters Bay
  • Native Council
  • Peers Alliance
  • PEI Home and School Federation
  • PEI Literacy Alliance
  • The Reach Foundation
  • Wild Child
  • Women's Network PEI
Please note that being a funded partner and receiving a community investment grant is different than receiving money from the United Way of PEI during COVID, FIONA or CSRF funding. 

If you fit the criteria for applying for this grant and have not been a funded partner of ours in the last 5 years, please fill out the project-based funding application. You will be prompted during the online application form. Agencies that have been a UWPEI funded partner in the last five years can apply for both streams of funding (project and operational). If you apply for operational funding and the committee does not think it is a match, a United Way of PEI staff will connect with you to see if you apply for project funding.

The maximum amount awarded for project funding is $50,000 per year for two years.  The maximum amount awarded for operational funding is $50,000 per year for two years.  This round of Community Investment Grants will begin in April 2024 and end in March 2026. 

Feedback and Support:

If you have questions about the United Way of PEI Fund, the selection process or the application process, please click here to read our FAQ

United Way of PEI staff are available to answer any additional questions about the funding and selection process, United Way focus areas, United Way outcomes, and can provide support in developing your project outcomes. For further information or support, please contact Treena Smith, Director of Community Impact and 211 PEI, at 

Applications close October 6, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

An AMAZING $59,028 donated by 29 restaurants to support Island Food Security! The United Way of PEI is so very grateful! Thank you to participating restaurants and the people supporting them!

Behind every changed life is someone like you who made it happen.
All donations to the United Way of PEI stay on PEI to help Islanders.


Charitable Registration No.
BN119278356 RR 0001

For all general inquiries, please contact:
United Way of Prince Edward Island

Mailing Address:
PO Box 247, Stn Central
Charlottetown PE  C1A 7K4

Physical Address:
119 Queen Street, Suite 106
Charlottetown, PE  C1A 4B3

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Toll Free: 1-877-902-4438
Phone: 902-894-8202

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Donor Privacy Policy

The United Way of PEI is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors, volunteers, employees and other stakeholders. We value your trust, and we recognize that maintaining this trust requires us to be transparent and accountable in safeguarding the confidentiality of the personal information that you choose to share with us.

The United Way of PEI embraces the principles of the Donor Bill of Rights and the Personal Information Protection Act to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purposes...

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